The title doesn't show there unless I move the print $title out of node.tpl.php and into page.tpl.php

Is there a reason for it to be that way or is what I posted a proper fix?


butler360’s picture

Hmm, now my blog posts show two titles. I'm using a node-blog.tpl.php file to customize the output of blog posts. Is there a way to exclude the title from being printed in page.tpl.php only for the content type "blog"?

butler360’s picture

OK, I got around that by putting this into page.tpl.php:

<?php if ($node->type !== 'blog'): ?>
  <h1><a href="<?php print $node_url?>"><?php print $title?></a></h1>
<?php endif; ?>

But now I get no titles for taxonomy items (the title of the category is at the top but individual items don't show).

ipwa’s picture

Hi @butler360, I'm going to add title to the page template where it belongs, and remove it from the node template. Thanks for reporting this.

butler360’s picture

Excellent, thanks.