I'm having an problem with the upload module...I can't upload files over 20M. I have my max upload as 50M and my total max at 6 gigs. I have my php upload_max_filesize as 50M (yes, I have some big files to upload). But it won't upload it...it says:

PHP Warning:  POST Content-Length of 23989131 bytes exceeds the limit of 20971520 bytes in Unknown on line 0, referer: http://www.myserver.net/node/add/flexinode-7

in the apache error log. That translates to the file is 22.87782M and the limit is 20M. Why is this that the case. Where else is that limit set?


anner’s picture

it was post_max_size. Thanks so much. I guess I still have a fair amount to learn about php