Hi all!
I need "image" module cause I use "img_assist" module but I would be happy to avoid the content of kind "image" to permit the publishing of just stories and pages.

What's the way I can do it?

Thank you.


patchak’s picture

You can add any content because you are admin.

Set up the permission so users can only create stories and no images.

I think It's all ...

decola’s picture

q=admin/settings/content-types/image [administer->settings->content_types->images]
you can't disable "image content".
In addition to this, into the "image module" section of administer->access_control, you can grant just about:
"create images"
"view original images"
If I revoke "create images" permission, the user can't upload photos.

My target is just to disable "image content". Do I need to hack Drupal?

patchak’s picture

I think you are right about the permissions that will disallow users to add images in img_assist, but I'm not sure, have you tried?

2) I would simply remove the link to add an image frm the add content menu ;)


decola’s picture

I've tried that.

Ya, you're right about removing the link from menu :-)
There's just a problem. When you click "Create Content", you can see the explanation (and a link) of various content types (include "image content") in the main area of the page (where you can see posts).

No solutions...I need to hack :-(