I have yet to get remindme working. I was on 4.2.0 and could not get it to work and thought maybe when I got to 4.3.2 it would work.

Cron is working because my feeds get updated.

Email is working since new users get emails on signup.

I have the remindme module set to send reminders every fifteen minutes. The cron runs every fifteen minutes. I enter an event, go to the event and choose remindme and have chosen various times. No reminders.

Anyone have this working?

Anyone have hints on how I can troubleshoot it?


killes@www.drop.org’s picture

please try the latest 4.3 version

jxs2151’s picture

If you are referring to the line 163 u.nid issue I have already manually fixed that.

Should it be working otherwise? Is there anything else fixed beside that?

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

killes@www.drop.org’s picture

I changed another variable in the same query.

jxs2151’s picture

Curious why in the following statement you do a WHERE clause on n.status=0 ?

status=0 in the node table means that the node is not published. Did you mean to do that?

It appears as if the reminder is getting written to remindme_node but is never sent, as evidenced by the fact that it is never deleted either.

SELECT r.nid, r.timestamp, u.uid, u.name, u.mail, n.* FROM {remindme_node} r INNER JOIN {node} n ON r.nid = n.nid INNER JOIN {users} u ON n.uid = u.uid WHERE n.status = 0 AND r.timestamp > 0 AND ". variable_get("remindme_send_last", time()) ." + r.timestamp > ". time() ." GROUP BY u.uid, n.nid

jxs2151’s picture

I changed WHERE n.status = 0 to WHERE n.status = 1 and it seems to be working now.

jxs2151’s picture

I got the basic remindme working with the fix described above. When I do some testing though it appears to fall apart.

From what I have seen, if user A creates an event and user B signs up for a reminder, it sends a reminder every x minutes to uid 1. X being the smallest reminder (15, 30, etc.) if multiple reminder minutes are set.

I will play around with it some more but I wonder if anyone has this up and running and I am just doing something wrong?

killes@www.drop.org’s picture

I am quite surprised that I get so many bug reports on this module more than half a year after its creation. I suppose that nobody was really using it untill now.

I think the query should be

$sql = "SELECT r.nid, r.timestamp, u.uid AS user, u.name, u.mail, n.* FROM {remindme_node} r INNER JOIN {node} n ON r.nid = n.nid INNER JOIN {users} u ON r.uid = u.uid WHERE n.status = 1 AND r.timestamp > 0 AND ". variable_get("remindme_send_last", time()) ." + r.timestamp > ". time() ." GROUP BY user";

and the delete query should then be

 db_query("DELETE FROM {remindme_node} WHERE timestamp = %d AND nid = %d AND uid = %d", $node->timestamp, $node->nid, $node->user);

jxs2151’s picture

Should I be submitting bug or feature requests instead of doing this here? Whatever you are comfortable with, I just appreciate your help in getting a module working that will add significant value to my site.


killes@www.drop.org’s picture

Since we have this nearly worked out, creating a bug report would be too late now, but is generally preferred. You could also simply mail me. I like to get feedback on my modules, even if they do not work from the start.

jxs2151’s picture

I modified your module a bit also to make the reminder look prettier (IMO):

This gives you a reminder that has a link to the node within the message body. I hardcoded my domain information only because I don't know how to code to get the sitename. I think it is very useful for a user to be able to satisfy their natural curiousity- "Hmmmm....what is this reminder for again?" The link allows them to easily do that I think.

function remindme_mail($node) {
  $from = variable_get("site_mail", ini_get("sendmail_from"));
  $subject = strtr(t("[HPC Reminder] -  »%title«"), array ("%title" => $node->title));
  $to = "$node->name <". $node->mail .">";
  $body = t("Hello") ." ". $node->name .",\n\n". strtr(t("You requested a reminder for the event ". $node->title ."  http://www.harvesterchurch.org/node/view/%nid") , array("%nid" => $node->nid)) ."\n\n$node->body";
jxs2151’s picture

This now partially works:

An email does go out to the individual that signed up but one still goes out to the what is apprently the event creator.

killes@www.drop.org’s picture

I don't know why the event creator should get mailed unless he is subscribed as well. Can you check that? I also added you suggestion about a link (in a more Drupalish manner). Please download the latest version.

jxs2151’s picture

Don't know why it was happening but I cleared the remind_node table and all seems well now.

Thanks for you help.

Any chance of including a feature where an administrator can create reminders for 1) all users 2) individual users ?

Also a feature where the administrator can configure/customize the subject text and the message text on the administration page for the remindme module?

jxs2151’s picture

Dowloaded CVS module and get this on login:

warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/www.harvesterchurch.org/drupal-4.3.2/modules/remindme/remindme.module:174) in /home/www/www.harvesterchurch.org/drupal-4.3.2/modules/user.module on line 668.

warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/www.harvesterchurch.org/drupal-4.

killes@www.drop.org’s picture

Sorry, I forgot a closing bracket.

jxs2151’s picture

On logout or login after creating an event:

warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/www.harvesterchurch.org/drupal-4.3.2/modules/remindme/remindme.module:197) in /home/www/www.harvesterchurch.org/drupal-4.3.2/modules/user.module on line 668.

warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/www.harvesterchurch.org/drupal-4.3.2/modules/remindme/remindme.module:197) in /home/www/www.harvesterchurch.org/drupal-4.3.2/includes/common.inc on line 481.

killes@www.drop.org’s picture

The module does have less than 197 lines of codes. I think you added blank space after the closing ?> tag. Remove that.

jxs2151’s picture

When setting reminder:

warning: call_user_func_array() expects first argument, 'page', to be a valid callback in /home/www/www.harvesterchurch.org/drupal-4.3.2/includes/theme.inc on line 219.

jxs2151’s picture

All test results seem to indicate that no matter how far in advance one sets the reminder one will get the reminder email at the next cron run.