I just noticed my weblink module isnt working, and it gives me the error message below when I try to create/modify a weblink. Been trying to hunt down the culprit with phpmyadmin and searching this forum... dst? src? are they missing? where?

Using 4.3.1 and IIRC the update.php gave me some failed updates when I did it and I fear my ISP´s mysql servers slowness + timeout might have a hand in that...

user error: Unknown column 'dst' in 'field list'
query: SELECT COUNT(dst) FROM url_alias WHERE dst = '' AND src != 'node/view/698' in /home/int2000/6918/html/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 90.

user error: Unknown column 'src' in 'where clause'
query: DELETE FROM url_alias WHERE src = 'node/view/698' in /home/int2000/6918/html/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 90.