Wow! I am absolutely pumped to be on board with this app. I have been crunching away at it for about a month and will be heading to a DrupalCamp right here in my home town of Brooklyn this weekend. Hello all!!!

Ok, down to business: I have a site set up as an intranet for my company and I was wondering if there was a way to replace the link in user comments that goes to their profile (something that I have disabled for my users) with one that points to their blog. This would allow for a nice communal way to check out another user who has placed comments in the forums or on any other nodes that has comments enabled. I'd really like to get people to get to know eachother and I am surprised I can't find something in the node settings that would allow for this. Whenever a user comments, readers should be able to go check out who they are in one little click, even if profile access has been turned off.

That's it! What a noob, huh? I look forward to meeting some of you this weekend. Thanks in advance for the help.
