I'm wondering how best to approach the following prior to installing 4.7 in case there is a preferred way to start out. I'll use a newspaper as analogy whereby you have a Business section, a Sports section, a Local News section, etc. Ostensibly each section has its own front page. My experience with v4.6.6 has been that content gets published on a single front page (if you want it to). So I'm wondering how I might go about creating the one site with multiple departments.

One thought that comes to mind is, if possible, to create a kind of splash page that pulls a few snips of content from each department and a navigation menu/table of contents that points to each department as well. Create a content type for each department, perhaps with Flexinode. The only people who would be contributing/publishing content would be the writers for each department. The public would have read access, not write access (well, I might open the blogs for public input).

Does this sound like a workable plan or might I be asking something of Drupal that it's not intended for?



bomarmonk’s picture

I have used a book structure in combination with a flexinode for the department home page (the parent of the entire book). I'm also using a combination of simple_access and taxonomy_access to allow departments to edit only their own content.

With Drupal 4.7 I would take a good look at the Category module (designed for heirarchal websites-- a replacement for taxonomy and books) and also CCK (the replacement for flexinodes-- I've heard it will scale better, etc.)

You can get a fuller sense of what I have attempted at the following thread (although many of the modules I initially listed have been replaced-- I've implemented the views module and used it to replace several of the modules I had been previously using):


happycamper’s picture

You've done a terrific job there with the site in content management as well as looks and ease of use. And it's given me good direction for pre-thinking and mapping out what I have in mind. Very impressive the way you've created the department front pages. I may have a question or two on that down the road. :)

Thanks for the reply. Well, there goes *my* weekend. :)


penboy’s picture
