Glad to hear great news about Drupal 4.7.

The only question I have is about old module "weblink" 4.5, em... can anybody tell me what module for 4.7. can serve as link storage and link-nodes instead of old Weblink?

I've a database nearly 1500 of link reviews... the problem is to upgrade to 4.7. without loosing site functionality.

Thanks in advance


desm0n’s picture

Try out the Links Package

It has lots of enhancements to the original weblinks but comes with its own weblinks based on the old code (and includes a sepeerate "links" node). I'm using it curently and i'm very pleased with it.

However i'm not sure how you'll handle the exisiting links to your site. Hopefully, with a bit of luck, the sql schemas will be the same.

arsart’s picture

Thanks for pointing! I'll have a look and try to merge my 1500 "unique" links with new Drupal.
