node_style 7.x-1.1

Bug fixes

* Node Style -> Node Styles in keeping with other menu items.
* Fix menu to avoid underscores.
* Fix notice; minor code clean-up.

node_style 7.x-1.0-alpha1

New features

Alpha of the D7 upgrade release. There have been a number of changes necessitated by changes to the Drupal theming system and a bunch of new features as well :) They include:

  1. The head_title template variable is now a part of html.tpl.php.
  2. Support for the "hiding" of regions has currently been nuked as D7 regions are too variable. This and other variable changes might hinder some upgrades. These issues will need to be manually worked out.
  3. A new machine name option has been introduced for each style scheme which will be used with the new node_style hooks.
  4. In lieu of the hodgepodge of display settings relating to variable page elements, the module now provides two hooks namely hook_node_style_preprocess_SCHEME_MACHINE_NAME() and hook_node_style_process_SCHEME_MACHINE_NAME() respectively. They are simple extensions of the Theme API's hook_preprocess() and hook_process() and can be used to manipulate theme variables whenever a node_style is triggered.
  5. The module now optionally injects node file attachments into the page markup. The module supports CSS and JS attachments. The latter is a potential security risk and requires a Drupal variable - allow_insecure_uploads - to be set to 1 in order to work.

node_style 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Fixed query for pgsql.
Fixed t()s in install file.
Removed vestigial configuration form.

node_style 5.x-2.1

- Fix compatibility issues with themes that declare their own _phptemplate_variables() function using a workaround.
- Now works with node previews.
- Translation issues fixed: missing t()s etc.
- Fix table prefix issues in the .install file.

Important note:

This release introduces a compatibility mode configuration option. The module will work only if this is enabled. Please check the README and help text for more information.

node_style 5.x-1.1

The node style module is a simple module that allows per-node customisations by overriding PHPTemplate variables.

Example scenarios where this module will be useful:

node_style 4.7.x-1.1

The node style module is a simple module that allows per-node customisations by overriding PHPTemplate variables.

Example scenarios where this module will be useful:

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