The Democracy platform is free and open source (GPL)
with its player (great UI)

+Broadcast Machine is its sister
"Post videos to your website and create internet TV channels, including video blogs, video podcasts, and video RSS feeds."
-with Broadcast Machine you can torrent large Video files save Bandwith thats the advantage!

download+upload to your server

(no database just FTP, you can enable MySQL database later if you get many user overload)


Create your channels (Tags or RSS to you Drupal later)
Publish your videos

~ into Drupal
each channel has RSS feed..
so create RSS feeds with Drupal aggregator module
thats it.

you have a video channels publisher on /bm directory of your site+RSS of each channel fed into your Drupal site

thats it as far as I can see,
I presume someone with coding skills may have better idea ~ tags?