I can't seem to locate the following functionality in any add-on modules, and was wondering if it is possible to style drupal internal links (any links) if the user has no access to the internal link destination node. This would be used to prevent the links from appearing (via css), or to custom style "no-access" links in a drupal site.

For example, I use taxonomy_access and path_access to prevent users from getting to specific nodes. I would like drupal to "hide" the links or make them unclickable. At a minimum, this should affect the menu.module. Ideally, it would act as some sort of filter for any links in any module or block.

It would be cool if drupal could take the following html output:

<a href="example_node">Example Link</a>

And turn it into this before sending it to the browser:

<a class="no-access" href="example_node">Example Link</a>

Then we could control it's style via css as follows:

a .no-access { display: none; }

Would something like this be prohibitive in terms of processing and/or sql queries? Either way, I'd appreciate your feedback on the above idea.

If there is already another way to prevent menu links from being displayed (based on drupal access), please let me know.

Thanks in advance for your help.