Hi all.
I´m new to Drupal so I hope my problem is a easy-to-solve-newbie one.
Since I´m a newbie I don´t have a test site (stoopid!!). Yet... Well, yesterday I decided to update my 4.7rc2 Drupal to rc3. I started by making a backup of the db (using the mysql tool mysqladmin). I also copied the complete drupal site. I then removed the old drupal files, put in the new rc3 stuff. I updated the sites/default/settings.php and then surfed in on http://www.galtstromstaget.se/update.php. Things looked good, the script identified my version so I pushed the button. No errors and I returned to the admin page (using the link produced by the update.php). That URL did work.

The site looked ok. But when I tried to click on any link I got an ugly 404 back from the Apache, not from Drupal and this goes for every link on the site (I use clean URL:s). Well, since I had my backup I decided to switch back. I dropped the drupal db and used mysqladmin to recover using the backupfile. I deleted the rc3 content and replaced it with my copy of the rc2-stuff. Big suprise, still the same problem!

Any help would be muuuuuch appreciated! The server is a win xp pro, Apache 2, MySql 5.x.



berglsv’s picture

The no-clean style URL:s does work (like http://www.galtstromstaget.se/index.php?q=node/1).

berglsv’s picture

I managed to navigate to the admin page and flip the "use clean URL" flag twice. After that it worked. I´m working on the rc2 version but I´m pretty confident that it will work on rc3 this evening as well.

berglsv’s picture

Worked as a treat when first disabling all but the core modules.