Where are the tabs that you see in form generated? I am using the search module and do not want to include the 'by location ' etc tabs. I just want what is returned from the content to be displayed.
Is anyone familiar with this?
How can you hide the tabs or what template file are they created in?


bjornarneson’s picture

Could it be as easy as commenting out this line in location.module?

$items[] = array('path' => 'search/location', 'title' => t('by location'), 'callback' => 'location_search_view', 'access' => user_access('search content'), 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'weight' => 9);
drupalDougT’s picture

This didn't work although I did get rid of the tab for gallery by commenting out the gallery_search() function in gallery.module. Location doesn't have a simple location_search function. Instead it has a location_search_form_page function which didn't prevent the by location tab from being rendered after being commented out. Any other ideas

flevour’s picture

Be aware menu are usualy cached. So you should go and empty your cache table in your db administration panel. Your edit then would show the intended effect.

crick’s picture

if you are using phptemplate themes its located in page.tpl.php

bluemarine (4.7) prints the tabs in the following line:

 <div class="tabs"><?php print $tabs ?></div>