usermerge 7.x-2.12

Bug fixes

One last (?) 7.x release before focusing more efforts on the Drupal 8+ version. In this release:

usermerge 7.x-2.1

Bug fixes

This release introduces a couple of important changes:

  • the merged account is saved before the old one is deleted or blocked. This prevents properties whose existence is linked to that of the user account (such as field collections) to be deleted before their ownership is passed onto the merged account.
  • API hooks are now invoked using custom functions, which replace module_invoke_all() and module_implements). This fixes an issue where hook implementations weren't properly invoked, randomly breaking the module's functionality.

usermerge 7.x-2.0

New features

A new interface allows users with the right permissions to choose how each user property should be merged. This includes the ability to merge fields, referencing entities, and other entities owned by the selected users. This aims to provide a more finely tuned merge process, as well as to minimize errors and information loss.

usermerge 7.x-2.x-dev

This development version may contain experimental or untested features (particularly in the includes directory) that aren't ready for production sites.

usermerge 7.x-1.x-dev

This is a straightforward port of the 6.x-1.x code. The OG, Notifications, and profile support were removed for now. Contributions welcome!

usermerge 6.x-1.x-dev

New features

First release of the usermerge module.

Does some basic stuff. Extensible. Yay!

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