I just discovered the taxonomy_menu module, and it works great. However, I really need the taxonomy_menu module to use existing taxonomy_access settings to specify which terms are visible to anonymous users, vs. authenticated.

Right now, all taxonomy terms in the menu generated are visible to everyone, and if a person clicks on a term they do not have permissions to view, it is said that there is no content. This is confusing to the user, and not an ideal way to keep 'private' content securely under wraps.

I have a workaround in place using a "Members only" menu built by hand and disabling most members-only content in the taxonomy_menu, but real estate on my site is expensive and I would really like to eliminate the need for two separate menus.

Any help is appreciated! I searched long and hard (and have been searching long and hard to get this site running) but did not find anything that addressed this problem. If I missed it please point me in the right direction?


pwolanin’s picture

My understanding from having looked at this bug posting:


is that the ifact that menu system doesn't obey the node access settings is something that is (hopefully) going to be solved for the 4.7 release.

Work: BioRAFT

Jaza’s picture

That's right - if http://drupal.org/node/16542 gets committed, then navigation blocks generated by the menu system will respect node access rules, as defined by modules such as organic groups and taxonomy access. This will not help taxonomy_menu, as this module uses its own system to generate a navigation block, rather than relying on the menu system. Also, this patch will not affect taxonomy terms at all, because terms are not nodes, and so are not covered by the node access system (taxonomy access 'extends' the access system to include its own 'term access' custom system).

However, the category module will benefit from this patch , because in this module, categories are nodes, and so are affected by the node access system. What's more, the category_menu module (part of the category package) relies on the core menu module for generating navigation blocks, so it too can benefit from this patch.

Jeremy Epstein - GreenAsh

Jeremy Epstein - GreenAsh