feeds 6.x-1.0-alpha13

New features
Bug fixes

feeds 6.x-1.0-alpha12

New features
Bug fixes


  • #600584 alex_b: PubSubHubbub support (see notes below).
  • alex_b: Debug log (see notes below).
  • alex_b: Add sourceSave() and sourceDelete() methods notifying plugin
    implementers of a source being saved or deleted.
  • #717168 nicholasThompson: Fix feeds UI JS doesn't select labels correctly.
  • #708228 Scott Reynolds, alex_b: Break FeedsImportBatch into separate classes.
    NOTE: Review your FeedsFetcher implementation for changes in the
    FeedsImportBatch class, small adjustments may be necessary.
  • alex_b: Support mapping to OpenID, using OpenID as a unique mapping target.
  • alex_b: Handle exceptions outside of Importer/Source facade methods.
  • #600584 alex_b: Use Batch API.
    NOTE: third party plugins/extensions implementing FeedsProcessor::process(),
    FeedsProcessor::clear() or FeedsImporter::expire() need to adjust their
    implementations. Modules that directly use Feeds' API for importing or
    clearing sources need may want to use feeds_batch_set() instead of
    feeds_source()->import() or feeds_source()->clear(). See notes below.

New: PubSubHubbub support

Feeds supports the PubSubHubbub publish/subscribe protocol. Follow these steps
to set it up for your site.

feeds 6.x-1.0-alpha11

Bug fixes

- #701432 pounard, Will White: Fix array_shift() expects parameter 1 is Array
error. Note: Parsers are responsible to ensure that the parameter passed to
FeedsImportBatch::setItems() is an Array.
- #698356 alex_b: Refactor and clean up FeedsScheduler::work() to allow more
scheduled tasks than 'import' and 'expire'.

Note: The title for the Alpha 11 release in CHANGELOG.txt is not correct. This will be fixed in subsequent releases.

feeds 6.x-1.0-alpha10

New features
Bug fixes

Heads up: #641522 will require to update third party Parsers or Processors. Look at the latest implementations of FeedsSyndicationParser and FeedsNodeProcessor to see the changes.

feeds 6.x-1.0-alpha9

New features
Bug fixes

- API change: feeds_source() takes an FeedsImporter id instead of an importer, the methods import() and clear() moved from FeedsImporter to FeedsSource. Import from a source with feeds_source($id, $nid)->import();
- #629096 quickcel: Fix underscores in feed creation link.
- #652848 BWPanda: Add 'clear-block' to admin-ui to fix float issues.
- #623424 Kars-T, Eugen Mayer, alex_b: Mapper for Taxonomy.
- #649552 rsoden: Provide variable for data table name.
- #631962 velosol, alex_b: FeedsNodeProcessor: Update when changed.

feeds 6.x-1.0-alpha8

Bug fixes

- #634886 Kars-T, EugenMayer: Add vid to node process functions.
- #613494 miasma: Remove length limit from URL.
- #631050 z.stolar: Add feed_nid on node_load of a feed item.
- #631248 velosol: Set log message when creating a node in FeedsNodeProcessor.

feeds 6.x-1.0-alpha7

Bug fixes

- #622654 Don't show body as option for mapper when body is disabled
- Allow cURL only to download via http or https
- Throw an exception in FeedsHTTPFetcher if result is not 200

feeds 6.x-1.0-alpha6

New features
Bug fixes

- Split number of items to queue on cron from feeds_schedule_num variable (see README.txt)
- #619110 Fix node_delete() in FeedsNodeProcessor
- Add descriptions to all mapping sources and targets

feeds 6.x-1.0-alpha5

New features

5 new presets:

* feed aggregation
* fast feed aggregation (requires data module)
* OPML import
* user import
* node import

feeds 6.x-1.x-dev

Snapshot release of Drupal 6.x 1.x branch.

Please do not use this release but rather check out from CVS directly.

CVS instructions

feeds 6.x-1.0-alpha3

Bug fixes

- FeedsDataProcessor checked for dupes on all feeds. Check for dupes only on given feed.

feeds 6.x-1.0-alpha2

New features
Bug fixes

- Initial release.
- Fix wrong case in FeedsHTTPFetcher's file name.


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