
hope i'm not wrong here:

I saw that page.tpl.php have a conditional printing of "content-header" div.
The problem is that its conditioned on any content in $breadcrumb or $title or $help or $messages while it doesn't do anything later with $title, not does it seem to belong here in any case. I think this is a simple bug and the if conditional should be (around line 127 - my page.tpl.php is modified):

<?php if ($breadcrumb or $help or $messages): 


Please correct me if I'm wrong.

If you need me to submit a patch just let me know.



boaz_r’s picture

ok, just to fix myself:

there is a point in checking $title cause the check determines several div's faith.
Still, I've added right the line with "

" the following line: " if ($help or $messages):, with a matching closing "endif" statement, to avoid printing of empty div that is used for messages and "help" text (div with id="content-info").

again, patch is providable by me.

tombigel’s picture

I think the editor cut off some of the text in your comment here.

You are right about these conditions to be a bit ugly, I need to find a 'prettier' way to print this box.
They are legacy from Zen or whatever theme I copied the idea from for Tendu 1.0

alonpeer’s picture

It seems that this was fixed in 6.x-2.x-dev. Am I right?