Howdy. I am moving my way over to drupal from mambo and have a few questions I am having a hard time getting resolved. First question is in mambo you can organize the way your content was displayed on the site for example list view, blog view etc. Currently drupal is displaying content items in a list form, which is great for my needs, but the problem i am having is its giving a summary of the content in the list. I would just like the titles of the content items displayed in a list. My next question is there a way to format the content creation page's view of Taxonomy terms? Currently its displaying each primary term with a drop down list of its child terms next to it. This is fine if you only have a few terms, but the list of taxonomy terms, sections and categories, I have in mambo is very long. It would be nice to mimic what mambo does in their content creation page, having two drop down boxes. One box has a list of the parent terms and when you select a parent term, the second box is populated with its children. I can picture this would be something easy to hack in my self, but it would be nice to know if there was a plug in for this or something. My last question involves a specific module, the Administrator module. This module gives you a nice GUI lay over for the admin section. It works fine and dandy for the little I have tested it out except for one part, the module installer page. When I click the link to go to the page I get a page not found error. This function is important because I need to make the page as easy to manage as possible. Does anyone know how to get this page to work?



slayerment’s picture

Not sure about your other questions, but to answer your first:

To display only the titles in your node lists check this post: