How would I go about subdiving the "Mainpage" in horizontally (both on the left and right) using css in so the text wraps instead of using tables for the same fuctionality?

Here is an example of the page I have:

              SIDEBAR| MAINPAGE
-Links                    |

Instead I want something like: (the arrows represent the size of where the text can now go)

              SIDEBAR| MAINPAGE
-Links                    |------->                                 <-------
                             |------->                                 <-------
                             |------->                                 <-------
                             |------->                                 <-------
                             |------->                                 <-------
                             |------->                                 <-------
                             |------->                                 <-------
                             |------->                                 <-------
                             |------->                                 <-------
                             |------->                                 <-------
                             |------->                                 <-------

Any help would be greatly appreciated!




dman’s picture

But if you want to build just columns, from scratch, using CSS not tables,
alistapart has made a career out of this.

OTOH, try downloading any of the themes that declare themselves 'pure css' and going from there.

I build everything on the 'cssimple' theme nowadays.