Permissions and anonymous subscriptions

Last updated on
23 August 2023

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The Access mailing lists (access user_mailman_register) permission controls user access to the subscription form page. Unless they have a role that has been granted this permission, users cannot subscribe/unsubscribe or manage their subscriptions for any list.

The Can subscribe to [list name] permissions control which lists are displayed on a user's subscription form page. If a user's role does not have this permission for a given list, then the subscribe/unsubscribe/manage options will not appear on the user's subscription form page.

Drupal administrators and users with the Administer mailing lists (administer user_mailman_register) permission can access and manage subscriptions of every user from the subscription form in the user's profile.

The global setting Visible in user registration form makes a list visible in the new user registration form. To make it work, you will also need to give the Can subscribe to permission for that list to the authenticated user.

The Access mailing lists (access user_mailman_register) and Can subscribe to permissions also control whether the anonymous user is allowed to subscribe to any list. If the Access mailing lists (access user_mailman_register) permission is granted to the anonymous role, the subscription form will be visible at /user_mailman_register and will require the user to enter a valid email address.

Be careful about granting these permissions to anonymous users, because they will be able to subscribe to your lists without registering as users on your site. To deter spam and other mischief, the "Only invite users" option should be enabled on the list settings page for every list available to anonymous users.

User Mailman Register does not save any data on Mailman subscriptions by anonymous users. That means anonymous users can subscribe, but cannot manage their subscriptions or unsubscribe via the Drupal website. Other mailman mechanisms such as the unsubscribe email command must be used instead.

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