I have been trying to add a "sub title" field to my products pages and it works fine when I use a standard product page layout however as I am using panels, when I add the cck "sub title" text field to the main content area of my paneled products pages I can not get the "sub title" field to show unless I disable the show "no extras" in the node id content area of the panels page.

The "no extras" setting indicates to "Check here to disable additions that modules might make to the node, such as file attachments and CCK fields; this should just display the basic teaser or body."

However if I disable the "no extras" I can see a double up of all the info that relate to the other panels in the main product content area.

Is there another way to disable just the extras I want, leaving the new "sub title" field active.

If not, is there another way to achieve the same end result.

Any ideas are much appreciated..