I've just added poll module and notised that I don't get any linebreaks between the polls. I don't get it! When looking in the page source I can see that there is a br-tag:

(div class="block block-poll" id="block-poll-0")
  (div class="content")(div class="poll")(form action="poll/vote/26" method="post")
(div class="vote-form")(div class="choices")(div class="form-item")
 (label)This poll not working(/label)(br /) (!-- e.g. get no linebreak here --)
 (label class="option")(input type="radio" class="form-radio" name="edit[choice]" value="0" /)Test1(/label)(br /)(label class="option")(input type="radio" class="form-radio" name="edit[choice]" value="1" /)Test2(/label)(br /)(label class="option")(input type="radio" class="form-radio" name="edit[choice]" value="2" /) Test3(/label)(br /)


Any suggestion for a solution?

I can also mention that I use the Blix theme.