I have bbcode installed on drupal 4.2.0 my problem is that when users enter a homepage under edit account bbcode screws up the code. Is there any way to disable this feature in just the users account page?

example, just look at the url of homepage and watch your status bar to see the problem.


Steven’s picture

And change:

          $value = ($t == "profile_homepage") ? "<a href=\"". check_output($user->$t) ."\">". check_output($user->$t) ."</a>" : check_output($user->$t);


          $value = ($t == "profile_homepage") ? check_output("<a href=\"". drupal_specialchars($user->$t) ."\">". $user->$t ."</a>") : check_output($user->$t);

(ignore the <?php ?> tags)

This was fixed in CVS a while ago.

duztin’s picture

Thank you, that worked perfectly.