I'm trying to decide which site statistics software(including Drupal modules) to choose.

Question 1: Does site statistics software use server resources when a user visits a page?

I have 3 options immediately available to me through my shared hosting:


and there are several drupal modules that offer statistics related functionality.

Question 2: Are there any features that distinquish Drupal modules from non-Drupal statistic software?



sym’s picture

The ones you list all work from the web logs the server keeps anyway, so, no they wont slow anything down apart from making them in the first place.

the drupal ones I guess will add data to a table on every page request. This will add more CPU time to each request. Don't quote me on that, it's more of a guess, but I'm sure the listed ones are a better idea

grcm’s picture

It certainly won't effect performance and it most probably won't affect performance.

Those stats packages you listed use Apache logs so have no overhead at all. You can also use Google's Analytics which work by clever Javascript; this has some great reporting stuff but may make a page take a little bit longer to load.

Bear in mind also that reporting/stats are there for a reason- to help you succeed. Use them.

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