I just newly install a fresh copy of Drupal 6.13 and related signup modules. When I view the 'Signup status log' page, I see:

user warning: Column 'mail' in field list is ambiguous query: SELECT signup_status_log.lid AS lid, signup_status_log.timestamp AS signup_status_log_timestamp, node_signup_status_log.title AS node_signup_status_log_title, node_signup_status_log.nid AS node_signup_status_log_nid, users_signup_status_log.name AS users_signup_status_log_name, users_signup_status_log.uid AS users_signup_status_log_uid, signup_status_log.uid AS signup_status_log_uid, signup_status_log.anon_mail AS signup_status_log_anon_mail, mail, users_signup_status_log_1.name AS users_signup_status_log_1_name, users_signup_status_log_1.uid AS users_signup_status_log_1_uid, signup_status_log.cid AS signup_status_log_cid, signup_status_log.action AS signup_status_log_action, signup_log_signup_status_log.nid AS signup_log_signup_status_log_nid, signup_log_signup_status_log.sid AS signup_log_signup_status_log_sid, signup_log_signup_status_log.uid AS signup_log_signup_status_log_uid FROM signup_status_log signup_status_log LEFT JOIN signup_log signup_log_signup_status_log ON signup_status_log.sid = signup_log_signup_status_log.sid INNER JOIN node node_signup_status_log ON signup_status_log.nid = node_signup_status_log.nid LEFT JOIN users users_signup_status_log ON signup_status_log.uid = users_signup_status_log.uid LEFT JOIN users users_signup_status_log_1 ON signup_status_log.admin_uid = users_signup_status_log_1.uid ORDER BY signup_status_log_timestamp DESC LIMIT 0, 50 in E:\Inetpub\wwwroot\drupal_events\sites\default\modules\views\includes\view.inc on line 755.


Shawn DeArmond’s picture

I'm getting this too.

I overrode the status_log view by removing the email address, and it works now.

goose2000’s picture

Where did you make the edit for 'status_log' view?

signup.views.inc ???

Shawn DeArmond’s picture

I did it in the UI. I didn't have time to fix it in code.

gintass’s picture

Thank you for solution. I also had the same warning.

torgormack’s picture

I am getting error too. I really need a solution as I need the email address.
Any chance? Or can you point me in the direction to look to make a fix?


Kristina-2’s picture

Drupal 6.16

Same error:
user warning: Column 'mail' in field list is ambiguous query: SELECT signup_status_log.lid AS lid, signup_status_log.timestamp AS signup_status_log_timestamp, node_signup_status_log.title AS node_signup_status_log_title, node_signup_status_log.nid AS node_signup_status_log_nid, users_signup_status_log.name AS users_signup_status_log_name, users_signup_status_log.uid AS users_signup_status_log_uid, signup_status_log.uid AS signup_status_log_uid, signup_status_log.anon_mail AS signup_status_log_anon_mail, mail, users_signup_status_log_1.name AS users_signup_status_log_1_name, users_signup_status_log_1.uid AS users_signup_status_log_1_uid, signup_status_log.cid AS signup_status_log_cid, signup_status_log.action AS signup_status_log_action, signup_log_signup_status_log.nid AS signup_log_signup_status_log_nid, signup_log_signup_status_log.sid AS signup_log_signup_status_log_sid, signup_log_signup_status_log.uid AS signup_log_signup_status_log_uid FROM drupal_signup_status_log signup_status_log LEFT JOIN drupal_signup_log signup_log_signup_status_log ON signup_status_log.sid = signup_log_signup_status_log.sid INNER JOIN drupal_node node_signup_status_log ON signup_status_log.nid = node_signup_status_log.nid LEFT JOIN drupal_users users_signup_status_log ON signup_status_log.uid = users_signup_status_log.uid LEFT JOIN drupal_users users_signup_status_log_1 ON signup_status_log.admin_uid = users_signup_status_log_1.uid ORDER BY signup_status_log_timestamp DESC LIMIT 0, 50 in /home/kristina/qwodev/sites/all/modules/views/includes/view.inc on line 765.

Could someone post a walk-through on stopping this error?

Todd Zebert’s picture


jamesHF’s picture

Drupal version 6.17
Views 6.x-2.11

I commented out line 23 in signup_status/modules/signup_status_log/views/handlers/signup_status_log_handler_field_signup_user_email.inc
and replaced it with the following line:
$this->users_table = 'users_signup_status_log';

This fixed it for me. Seems like that line 23 was unable to retrieve the table alias for the users table. (There are two table aliases for users: users_signup_status_log and users_signup_status_log_1)

Hope this helps someone who understands Views module code and maybe fix this.

ambereyes’s picture

never mind, just read previous comment closely...