Hi ... i really miss the maintenance option in Drupal 4.6.x version so I decided to make a little workaround. Maybe someone will find it usefull. It's only few lines of code.

If you are planning to make a fresh Drupal website and you don't want it to be open until it's ready for public you can use this theme.

What is it ?
It's a theme based on PHPTemplate engine so the users join your site and see the message that website is not opened yet, but Admin can login and work on the site.

Screenshot: http://www2.shrani.si/files/11426776341346.png
Download "closed" theme: http://xoops.specialci.com/Download/closed.zip

1. download closed.zip and unzip "closed" folder to your /themes directory
2. enable closed theme and another working theme (bluemarine, for example) in admin/themes
3. edit admin profile and select working theme for Admin's default (bluemarine, for example)
4. go to admin/themes and select "closed" theme for site's default theme

Now anonymous users will only see the maintenance message and login form for admin. When admin logs in, he has a bluemarine theme so he can continue configurating website.


sangamreddi’s picture

I have been implementing this trick. Anyway thanks for sharing. Keep it up.

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