Questions from the Issue queue

What effect does Boost have on SEO? (search engine optimization)
Because of faster page loading there is a slight improvement for SEO. There has been multiple reports of more page hits after installing Boost, and improved ranking on Google. In terms of improving SEO even more, assuming fast page loads = better SEO, enabling "Expire content in DB, do not flush file" would help. Just make sure cron runs consistently if doing this; or use the rules cron run trick.
Can cache be saved into sub folders to limit the files in a single folder within the node folder?
This is difficult as it can't be generalized. If anyone posts a patch that is generalized and a good idea, it will be added to Boost. (postponed)
I have polls on my website, an anonymous visitor after voting doesn't see the results in the poll block.
An AJAX block module is whats needed. (active)
Boost handles the dynamic expatriation of comments, nodes, taxonomy, views and user pages. What about panels?
We are almost there, panels is next on the Todo list. (active)
There is no need for minimum cache lifetime and pre-caching for html snippets for different blocks and parts of a page. What do you think?
Unless Drupal's internals are seriously reworked, this would be nearly impossible to do correctly. (by design). (It might work for blocks.)
Does Boost support shopping carts, or exclude specific blocks?
This has to do with Ajaxify Regions. The alt way is to use javascript to load the block, see this fix. (active)
Can Boost do caching for authenticated users?
If you like the bleeding edge, this can be done currently. It's not elegant at all. I hope to make this more usable in the future; expect more htaccess rules.
see Cached pages for authenticated users (active)

TODO: Future Ideas and Possible Features

The module has come a long way in 2009. As with all things Drupal, come great ideas that would be really neat to have. Maybe when time permits we can cross some of these items off the list. If you are a developer, here are some projects to work on.

  • An administrative interface for pre-generating static files for all pages
    on the Drupal site in one go using the Batch API.
  • An administrative interface to set specific cache lifetime settings.
  • Add a cache current page button to block.
  • Split Boost into different modules to allow other projects to use and rely upon code for Boost.
    see this issue.
  • Minimum & Maximum Cache Lifetime settings.
    see this issue
  • A Dynamic Crawler that will discover "new" content.
    see this issue.
  • AJAX Shopping Carts could theoretically work with the Boost caching system.
    see this issue.
  • Smarter Cache Invalidation is the next big push. Full views support is planned, and after that panels. This would mean when a node is edited, all corresponding views containing that node will be flushed. Right now you have to wait for the view to expire and cron to run in order for your new content to show up in that view.
    see this issue.
  • Other web servers than Apache are not supported at the moment. This is due to the way the cache dispatch is implemented using Apache mod_rewrite directives in the .htaccess file.
    See (Lighttpd rewrite rules wanted) in the issue que.
    See (Nginx integration) in the issue que.
  • Support node read count display via AJAX or JSON (postponed)

I really like this quote, as it pertains to boost.(mikeytown2)

"There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things" - Phil Karlton