I'm using Drupal 4.6 and Acidfree 4.6

By default, Aggregator includes feeds from News stories that are promoted to the front page.
Is there a way to include Acidfree media or other nodes like Page into the feed?

Thanks for reading.


jwilde’s picture


Try using the syndication module.

Bluey’s picture

Thanks but I really have no idea how to set up my RSS feed to include new acidfree media.

cmsproducer’s picture

Drupal already has an in-built way to call the RSS feed of any grouping of items (taxonomy, homepage, lists etc). While viewing the human-readable group of contents, just add /0/feed to the URL and it will call an RSS feed of the content. Now use the new URL that you have created in your feed reader (you can even call your own content as feed sources and put them in blocks)
- NB: This is not a substitute for blocks cause RSS has a delay from when you unpublish a document to when your scheduled update removes it from the list... but you can walk-around that by forcing a refresh

Here is an example of calling a feed from a taxonomy grouping:

the RSS feed is:

Web Development & Production Advice - http://www.cmsproducer.com

Bluey’s picture

Thanks for the advice but

When I put in the feeds from the taxonomy, nothing was updated in the new feed.

Thanks for reading

cmsproducer’s picture

Sorry for the delayed response.

I suspect that when you created an RSS feed from your pages, you did not ask it to update the items... Check these:
If you call the url for the RSS feed, do you see any items in the browser? that is, if you call a URL like http://www.cmsproducer.com/taxonomy/term/13/0/feed, do you see a bunch of XML stuff in your browser about the documents that are in that taxonomy? if yes, then your feed has items, otherwise you need to add some articles to that taxonomy.

If you have items, then you need to to make sure that you entered the feed URl right into the aggregator, created a cartegory for that feed destination (the cartegory will create a block), then go and activate the block in the blocks section.

What is the URL of your website? I can look at it and send you the exact URLs that should work.
Web Development & Production Advice - http://www.cmsproducer.com/click/26/1

Bluey’s picture

Thanks for the interest in helping me out:


I loaded the block but have been unable to change the "SYNDICATE" block to include the new one I created (under NEW ART block)


Thanks for reading.