
I'm using phptemplate engine and modifying a bit with box_grey theme.

Still a beginner in Drupal.. How can I increase the size of the slogan (I need to put a paragraph under website title).. or maybe how to make the mission to show .. and if it can show under the site title..



FlemmingLeer’s picture

I can help with the size of the slogan.

Open up style.css with an text editor like notepad.

Look for

 #site-slogan {
  font-family: Helvetica, Arial, Lucida, Verdana, sans-serif;
  display: inline;
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size : 1.2em;
  padding: 0 0 0 1.2em;
  margin: 0;

Change the font-size to your liking.
To give you a notion #site-name has the font-size: 2.5em;

To change where the mission is shown you have to edit page.tpl.php,

Look for :

<?php if ($mission != ""): ?>
<div id="mission"><?php print $mission ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>

Move it to beneath:

<?php if ($site_slogan) : ?>
    <span id="site-slogan"><?php print($site_slogan) ?></span>
  <?php endif;?>

That ought to do it.

If the changes are not shown after you upload the modified files, disable Cache support in your /index.php?q=admin/settings menu.

happyaffiliate’s picture

hey FlemmingLeer,

that reply was systemetic and great ..

Now I'm starting to find my way through working with themes.

I tried it and it is working good.

But what i meant with mission size was the number of characters alloud to be inserted; I inserted around 15 words, then it reached the limit and i can't write more, is there a way to work around that?

another thing, I searched through modules and forums for a solution for session timeout (ex:logout automatically after 15 min).. saw alot of threads, none with a solution.. Do you have any info to deal with that.

have a great day :)

FlemmingLeer’s picture

I found this one by searching via google

But it´s still experimental I think, so take a backup of your site just in case.


site:drupal.org keywords search
in google text area. add " " to include like "session timeout" in the above search to get exact phrases.

Regarding the slogan, I really don´t know. But it sounds odd and must be a box_grey thing.

I know I have managed to insert lots and lots of code in the site mission in a Xtemplate and I think also in PHPtemplate.

Is the limit before or after you changed the page.tpl.php ?

And thank you, you to :)

Leeteq’s picture

( Evaluating the long-term route for Drupal 7.x via BackdropCMS at https://www.CMX.zone )

jmlane’s picture

Did you ever figure out how to extend your mission / slogan character limit? Perhaps there is a simple way to do this by changing the table column datatype?

Jonathan M. Lane
OpenConcept Consulting Inc. http://www.openconcept.ca/

gintass’s picture

I found that in Drupal 6 variable 'site_slogan' is in the table 'variable' where data type is 'longtext', which is more than enough. Now I see that "Slogan" field in the "Site Information" form is set to "maxlength="128", which limits number of characters you can use for slogan to 128. Does anyone know whether and how this restriction can be overwritten in a theme, e.g. in template.php? I could probably hard code it in page.tpl.php by replacing variable 'site_slogan' with my text, but it would be nice if we could do this by filling Slogan text in the Site information form.

esteinborn’s picture

I recently posted an update that applies this modification to Drupal 8 on the link you provided.