When you're the root user, I don't believe that admin links can be disabled (since you can't take that permission away). I, personally, prefer not to see these, but as the root user I don't have a choice.

Can this be added as an option or is there another way to disable them?


Rob_Feature’s picture

Actually, I want to add a further request to the one above. I'd like to be able to disable admin.module for the root user all together. I'm thinking maybe an option to turn it on/off by user...

The reason is because admin.module is targeted at an end user. However, as a site admin it's fairly cumbersome. The problem is I can't have it on for them and off for the root account...so I'm forced to have it on my screen while working. A nice on/off option for all users (including root) would be beautiful.

Macronomicus’s picture

Agreed.... or conversely add a super-user set of icons. With clear caches, run updates, & devel commands etc.

fenstrat’s picture

+1 for macrocosm idea of a super set of icons.

Also see #492604: Is there a plan to support menu items from the Devel module?