All of a sudden, with no obvious triggers, no one can log into

The connection to the database works ok because it returns correct errors for users that don't exist, but logging in correctly returns

"Access denied
You are not authorized to access this page."

and the log in box appears again. I have deleted and recreated user 1. I have tried several of the older workarounds for the same apparent problem back in Drupal 4.x. I have used several borwsers from different locations, clearing the cookie cache several times. Requesting a new passwords sends the reset email ok, and clicking on it takes me back to the correct reset password page on the site, but clicking on the link there just returns that same "access denied" message.

I'm tearing out my hair.

Can anyone suggest anything?

Many thanks



mardale’s picture

Has no one else seen this problem? Can't just be me!

WorldFallz’s picture

Check and make sure the users table still has user 0 (the anonymous user).