Just a thought, but...

All content in Drupal is represented by nodes. Stories, static pages, forum topics, uploaded files, submitted links - all are nodes in general. These nodes vary from each other only in properties. But one type of content in Drupal, as far as i can see now, is not treated as node. It's user. Basically it's the same old content (information of the account), but with one unique property - the ability to create other types of nodes.

So i'm leading to the idea of expanding taxonomy on users!

I stumbled across the necessity of expanding taxonomy on users during the administration of my site. My site is dedicated to my university, so all information on it is divided in accordance with faculties and departments of university. And also users of my site are students of different faculties. So it can be necessary to organize users in groups in accordance with the faculties and, for example, send them notifications concerning the events of their faculty.

So my suggestion is to expand taxonomy on users too.

And i'll be happy to hear responses. May be it's useful only for me and none else will use this expansion?


adrian’s picture

but rarely has any real code been written

I absolutely agree that it is a great idea.

The closest we have come to this is the 'classify anything with taxo' patch a while back. It added an 'area' to the taxo table, which could be set to node , users / whatever.

I can't recall the discussions regarding it , but i am definately for it.

Dries’s picture

See also: http://drupal.org/node/view/899. Maybe add your particular thoughts and use cases to that thread?