Linodef BUEditor allows you to create buttons in BUEditor that use the Linodef taglists.

To insert a taglist button proceed the following steps:

  1. Go to Administer → Settings → BUEditor
  2. Edit the editor in which you want to include the buttons
  3. Now you can either:
    • copy & paste the template code below in the field for a new BUEditor button
    • or import the button via the csv file that is in the Linodef BUEditor modules folder
  4. As value for $taglist_id enter the identifier number of the taglist you want to use.

You may create as many buttons as the editor allows.

Template for the button:

php: // Linodef tags, enter id, e.g. '2'.
$taglist_id = '';

// Do not modify.
return module_exists(linodef_bueditor) ? linodef_bueditor($taglist_id) : t('Module !module not enabled!', array('!module' => 'Linodef BUEditor'));