This simple block snippet displays a list of taxonomy terms in alphabetical order. Each term links to the term's page.


$vid = 15; //vocabulary id
$num_term = 20; //limit maximum terms

//USE INNER JOIN below to only show terms with a count of 1 or more (the LEFT JOIN includes terms with a count of 0)
$query = "SELECT td.tid AS tid, name, COUNT( nid ) AS count
FROM {term_data} AS td
LEFT JOIN {term_node} AS tn ON td.tid = tn.tid
WHERE td.vid=". $vid ."
GROUP BY tn.tid ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT ". $num_term;

$result = db_query($query);
while ($term = db_fetch_object($result)) {
  $items[]= l($term->name, "taxonomy/term/$term->tid") . ' (' . $term->count . ')';

if(count($items)) {
  return theme('item_list',$items);


The result will looks like this:


volocuga’s picture

It shows terms with zero nodes. How to solve this?

yeeloon’s picture

How can I display the below all the terms & subterms under the Catalog vocabulary with proper indentation? The order/weight is similar on how it is stored under the Catalog vocabulary. Actually this is similar to the Ubercart's Catalog block, but I need just a simpler one to place in on the block. The ubercart's code is very complex and don't know how to retrieve it.

Any help would be welcome. Thanks!


Clothing (6)
- Dresses (3)
- Sweaters (1)
- Tops (1)

Bags (2)
- Backpacks (1)
- Hobos (1)

Sample screenshot

JonoB’s picture

Thanks for the great snippet!

If you want to exclude items with no count, then

$items[]= l($term->name, "taxonomy/term/$term->tid") . '(' . $term->count . ')';


if ($term->count > 0) {
  $items[]= l($term->name, "taxonomy/term/$term->tid") . ' (' . $term->count . ')';
jnaylor’s picture

I am very new to Drupal and php and was wondering, where (which file) do you insert this php snippet into? I would like to add this snippet to a block that I created.

husztisanyi’s picture
... and choose the php filter!

benlotter’s picture

In the code above just replace the LEFT JOIN with an INNER JOIN. I'll go ahead and update the main text.
LEFT JOIN {term_node} AS tn ON td.tid = tn.tid

INNER JOIN {term_node} AS tn ON td.tid = tn.tid
kristofvanroy’s picture

You can also use this module: which integrates with views

jnaylor’s picture

Thank you for your help, however, I found another answer that does not use php.

In my view for this content, I added a block view with an argument of "Taxonomy: Term ID" and selected "Summary, sorted ascending". This created exactly what I needed. Hopefully this will also help someone else who was searching for what I was.

shriji’s picture

Hi Jnaylor,

I am just like you. No php experience. Can you please give more details how did you do it?

Thanks for you help.

shriji’s picture


After my last post, I started to fiddle around with arguments section of the views and was able to figure out how to do that without coding...thats goal is to get the most out of drupal without writing code....and it is my belief that you can....


benlotter’s picture

I just came across this and thought I should pass it along. The code in the main block works but does not eliminate node which are unpublished. So your counts will be off if you have unpublished nodes within the vocabulary you are using. You may want to add a join (or replace it?) to the nodes table and check the status field to see if its published.

I have implemented the following changes to my query to make the counts correct for published nodes only (i.e. status = 1).


$vid = 15; //vocabulary id
$num_term = 20; //limit maximum terms

$query = "SELECT td.tid AS tid, name, COUNT( tn.nid ) AS count
FROM {term_data} AS td
INNER JOIN {term_node} AS tn ON td.tid = tn.tid
INNER JOIN {node} AS n ON n.nid = tn.nid
WHERE td.vid = ". $vid ." AND n.status = 1
GROUP BY tn.tid
LIMIT ". $num_term;

$result = db_query($query);
while ($term = db_fetch_object($result)) {
  $items[]= l($term->name, "taxonomy/term/$term->tid") . ' (' . $term->count . ')';

if(count($items)) {
  return theme('item_list',$items);

benlotter’s picture

One more thing... I think you would have to use the query rewrite function of Drupal if you want the counts based on the user's access level to the underlying nodes. I don't currently have a need for this since the content I'm working with is publicly available. This is just something to bear in mind.

benlotter’s picture

If you enable node revisions and use the code above you will get duplicates. The revised version below accounts for this.


$vid = 3; //vocabulary id
$num_term = 20; //limit maximum terms

$query = "SELECT tid, name, count
SELECT td.tid AS tid, name, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM {term_data} AS td
JOIN {term_node }AS tn ON td.tid = tn.tid
JOIN {node} AS n ON n.nid = tn.nid AND n.vid = tn.vid
WHERE td.vid = ". $vid ." AND n.status = 1
GROUP BY td.tid
LIMIT ". $num_term . "
) AS t

$result = db_query($query);
while ($term = db_fetch_object($result)) {
if ($term->count > 0) {
  $items[]= l($term->name, "taxonomy/term/$term->tid") . ' (' . $term->count . ')';

if(count($items)) {
  return theme('item_list',$items);

Prancz_Adam’s picture

Great code many thanks for it!
I have ony one problem with that solution! It does not listed the empty taxonomy terms!
Have you got any solution for it?

Anandyrh’s picture

This is great! no doubt,

How can in make it work to display taxonomy terms with node count '0' only? and can I have pagination for the same.

this is because, I have bulk uploaded taxonomy and there are many taxonomy which are not mapped to any nodes, so I would want to delete them.

Please let me know if there is a better approach to do this.

itapplication’s picture

Are these code works for D 7. Are there any solution for Drupal 7?

Drupal developer

Drupal Theme developer.
