Highly customizable Drupal module to produce multiple galleries.

Depends on: Lightbox2, Colorpicker

Configuration to use the Brilliant Gallery module.

1. Install the module, a folder will be created on the folder files, albums\images.

2. Then we will put in albums\images, all images that will be displayed on the gallery.

3. Then we configure the module in administer/settings page/Brilliant Gallery.
Image 1

After we configure the module, we perform the following steps:

1. Create a page on Create content/page.

2. In the body of the page write the following code:

[bg|images | 10 | 50 | random | | # 000000]

Where bg is an HTML tag for the background color of the images, the color is #000000 which is black, random images is the property that a randomize the order of images each time you load the page where it will be created the gallery, and the values of 10 and 50 means that the maximum number of images to be displayed on height is 10 and width 50. All these properties can be changed in the configuration of the module. This page will be created as follows: Image 2

After the page is configured, this is what we have: Image 3