
Is there an easy way to theme my guestbook? (standard guestbook.module). I'm using PHPTemplate, but making a node-guestbook.tpl.php seems to do nothing. That's probably logical since the guestbook itself isn't a node? Would be nice to get this enlightened.

Thanks in advance.

- Thomas -


sign’s picture

What about to template it according to path?
Customising the full page layout and sections based on path and taxonomy terms


* This snippet loads up different page-type.tpl.php layout
* files automatically. For use in a page.tpl.php file.
* This works with Drupal 4.5, Drupal 4.6 and Drupal 4.7
if (arg(0)=="admin") {/* check if the path is example.com/admin */
    include 'page-admin.tpl.php'; /*load a custom page-admin.tpl.php */
    return; }
if ($node->type == 'blog') {/* check if the path is example.com/blog */
    include 'page-blog.tpl.php'; /*load page-blog.tpl.php */
    return; }
/*insert more layout calls here before the call to page-default.tpl.php */
include 'page-default.tpl.php'; /*if none of the above applies, load the page-default.tpl.php */
    return; }

also check out PHPTemplate snippets in handbook, read it through