If you're using the Views module and you want to add a view to a certain page where you can't use the insert_view module, you can use the following code to print out your View:

$view_name = 'MyViewName'; //name of view
$limit = 3; // number of returns
$view_args = array();
$view = views_get_view($view_name);
print views_build_view('embed', $view, $view_args, FALSE, $limit);

To display a pager change FALSE to TRUE in the last line.

More details on this in the Views Documentation.

Using Views Default pager and nodes per page settings

In the above snippet the pager setting and nodes per page are hard coded. You may want to use the View settings of Page View or Node View.

To apply Page View settings use this:

$view_name = 'MyViewName'; //name of view
$view_args = array();
$view = views_get_view($view_name);
print views_build_view('embed', $view, $view_args, $view->use_pager, $view->nodes_per_page);

For Node View settings use:

$view_name = 'MyViewName'; //name of view
$view_args = array();
$view = views_get_view($view_name);
print views_build_view('embed', $view, $view_args, FALSE, $view->nodes_per_block);


giorgio79’s picture

This wont work in D6, Views 2 unfortunately. Anyone know where is this explained for D6?

PS: http://drupal.org/node/246742

doven1’s picture

Similar functionality may be achieved in D6 by calling the folllowing:

views_embed_view("view_name","block_1", $arg);

where the 'block_1' is the view variant. For instance, assume I have a view title 'Home_page' with a block variant named 'Home_page_block' and a Page variant named 'Home_page_page'. I could call the block view with:


and the Page variant with:


Read more here:

joelbox-Mondial-IT’s picture

perhaps it is of help to someone. When embedding the view the second parameter should be page_1, page_2 etc. It doesn't work with the name you gave the display.

So if your first display is called "listdisplay", still use page_1 in the embed function.

views_embed_view("view_name","page_1", $arg);

candelas’s picture

i was getting crazzy with pathauto and views and with your solution i can go on :)

//trying to answer one question for each one that i make.
//this way, drupal will be more friendly and strong

TMWagner’s picture

Took awhile, but thanks to Merlinofchaos... a solution that works...