Hi everyone...

well, i did the upgrade on one site and... no errors, all went well!!!

but the node page doesn't show any teasers.

i disabled all the modules, that didn't seem to help.

i re-enabled front_page module and, well, our front_page which has a phpsnippet to list the top 10 recent items promoted to the front page by title... well that DOES work. but if you go to oursite.org/node, nothing. it's blank, jim.

any thoughts?


kvarnelis’s picture

this one turned out to have a simple problem, something was screwy with the theme. it's worth noting, however, since the theme worked fine in beta 3. so if you don't see if content in beta 4, try the theme!

WeRockYourWeb.com’s picture


It's interesting you mention this because I would like to disallow access to domain.com/node. I don't have a teaser page, so typing in domain.com/node results in an anonymous user seeing the "click here to set up your first account" page, which of course we don't want. It doesn't let the user create an admin account, but it does let them circumnavigate the registration process.

Do you have any idea how to disallow access, or simply get rid of, domain.com/node?
