I am not quite sure how to use this module

1. I have to create vocab for interests
2. specify this vocab by checking "use this vocab as an interest vocab" (Can I specify more than one? Can I mix types like one is tags and the other is a select list?)
3. then I'm lost- what next?


Agileware’s picture

1. Create a vocabulary and check the 'Use as interests vocabulary' checkbox.
2. Create terms for the vocabulary
3. Go to your 'My Account' screen and click the 'My Interests' tab
4. Click the Change my interests' link
5. Select your interests (you will be provided with a list of terms from the vocabularies which have been marked as interests vocabs in step 1) and click save.
-- Each user can do step 5 for their interests
-- Admin can set any users interests at admin/user/interests

*Then as you visit nodes that have terms you are interested in the count for that term will increase so that the terms you have visited most often are your favourite interests.
*Clicking the 'set as interest' link in the taxonomy part of a node will set all that nodes terms as your interests.
*As more terms are created in an interest vocabulary they will become available for users to select as their interests.

Does this help?

SocialNicheGuru’s picture

is there views or cck integration if I wanted to list a person's interests?


Agileware’s picture

There isn't an integration between interests and views at this stage.

You could submit that as a feature request issue if you like.

SocialNicheGuru’s picture

so what user facing elements does this module have to show a person's interests?


Agileware’s picture

On the users profile screen there is a tab called My Interests.

This tab displays a list of users sharing similar interests and a list of node for each node type that match your interests. There are settings (as of 6.x-2.2) to control which content types to display, how many of each to display and whether or not to display teasers instead of titles.

There is also a block available that has a tag cloud of your interests (displays the currently logged in users interests).

scalp’s picture

This is a very interesting module. I don't quite understand how a user's interests get "bumped" up though. On the main page it states "Allows users to select taxonomy terms from vocabularies as 'interests'. Each time they visit a node with that taxonomy term applied to it the interest level bumps up one, or creates a new interest for them." Does a user have to hit the "Set as interest" button to have their interest bumped up or does it do it automatically based on the fact that the user visited that node?

Agileware’s picture

After a user has selected their interests, any time they visit a node that has one of their interest taxonomy terms, the count gets bumped up (viewing node teasers does not affect the count).

Clicking the "Set as interests" button adds all the taxonomy terms on that node to the users list of interest terms (only adds terms that are part of vocabularies that are checked as being interests vocabularies).