When a site as a WYSIWYG text editor installed, such as FCKEditor, it is turned on for the 'Meta Tags' textarea. You can set '#wysiwyg' => FALSE on the FAPI form element to tell these WYSIWYG text editors that they should not be disabled for certain fields.


univate’s picture

Individual modules shouldn't have to worry about this.

As I understand it the WYSIWYG API (which is the recommended way of doing wysiwyg) configures textareas based on input filters and individual modules (like this one) do not have to worry about wysiwyg editor messing up their textareas.

mrfelton’s picture

well, yes they do have a way of disabling fields, either by path or id... but they also listen out for the #wysiwyg attribute, which a lot of modules use if they know that there is no possible way that a wysiwyg editor should be enabled for a certain field (like a settings field)... One less thing to configure/go wrong for end users.