This module has been a great start for something I client asked me to setup: an advanced comment tool for deleting past comments. Basically the need was for a more data-rich comment admin interface that displayed the entire comment (like you are doing). I started with your module code but elected to display both comments in the approval queue and already posted comments so he could go back and delete all the spam from his site easily. I also added 3 additional features: 1) Previous hostname (incase the same IP posted multiple comments in a row), 2) next hostname and 3) delete all comments from this hostname. The latter was the most important as many of the spammers would post 50+ comments from the same IP address and he wanted the ability to mass delete the comments.

I was curious if you were interested in rolling this functionality into your module or think that I should just create my own module (as we are doing different things: you are improving the Approval Queue system and I improving administer comments). If I roll my own module, I'll be sure to credit you guys for the great work!


dag-’s picture

Personally I am interested in also managing the comments that were published without having gone through the approval queue. But I am less interested to also include the already approved comments. I don't see a good point in re-moderating already moderated comments.

So while I am interested in also adding the non-approved but published comments into the queue, I am worried that it either is confusing to moderators and we have no way to find out which of the published comments have been moderated and which not.

I also don't mind to expand the functionality as you described. I wanted to start from something basic and well-defined before adding too much functionality. I think we are almost at the end of what we wanted in the first stable release. As long as the new functionality does nott make it too complex or too confusing for simple usage cases I am all for of doing it under one umbrella.

I have to see with David and I guess we need to describe how we see the module evolve in the future before we can commit to underwrite something :-)