Anyone got any tips for installing drupal into /home/user/public_html, so that I can access it as http://host/~user/?


Kyber’s picture

The only thing that would matter, I imagine, is changing $base_url to point to http://host/~user

Rest should be the same.

walkah’s picture

the other thing (besides a proper base_url) is that clean URLs won't work (conflicts between mod_rewrite and mod_userdir). There may be a workaround, but it will require editing .htaccess.

James Walker ::

Anonymous’s picture

could someone please elaborate on this? I'm a php noob and i get a cannot modify heading information - headers already sent by /home/user/public_html/drupal/includes/conf.php : line 67.

I get an exact same warning about session start().

I modified the htaccess file to rewrite the base url and i also changed the base url in the conf.php file. I cannot access the register link and the index.php file throws an Access Denied message at me. Another thing is that all of the links (e.g, Home, my Account, etc.) give me a Page Not found error. The address bar points to http://localhost/?q=user.

Anyone have any ideas?

cnelsonakgov’s picture

I'm running this setup and it works fine with the .htaccess file that is included with Drupal 4.3. I have clean URLs enabled. The only change was the Rewrite base which I set to, in my case:

RewriteBase /~cnelson

I also renamed the config.php file so it looks like this:

Everything seems to work fine. I'm using Debian GNU/Linux (Woody) and the 4.3 tarball from

augustwest’s picture

I use this setup and have no problems at all. Clean URLs work too. Just make sure you base url is correct and you will most likely need to set the include path to your .htaccess file. I also have allow override all in my virtual host in httpd.conf file.