When using xtemplate theme (on drupal 4.2) , the frontpage containing the login box also includes top-menu links and blocks. On a site with no guest access, a visitor should get an 'access denied' when clicking any link in the menu or in a block. However, it appears that some content _can_ be accessed by visitors who are not logged in yet, even if no permissions are granted to anonymous. (Apparently various modules fail to check for $uid).

To work around this issue, I would like a frontpage with _only_ the login box (no headers or side bars). What would be the easiest way to accomplish this?


Anonymous’s picture

I'm experiencing the same problem. Althouh I did not try and check it with an other theme. The standard links like Forum, Image, Search that is working nicely. But when I install the modules: article and toxonomy_html annoymous users can read the content. And yes, Anonymous users do not have any rights!


moshe weitzman’s picture

please file bugs against article and taxonomy_html if they are showing content that should not be accessible.