
I'm in the process of writing a "film production" database module for drupal. It will have tables (nodes) like "Projects", "Cast and Crew" etc. Obviously, I'd like to connect the "Projects" table to the "Cast and Crew" table with a many-to-many relationship. But my question is this: how can I "spell check" names to see if they already fit in the database.

Some things I'd like the search system to do:

  • Allow users to be agnostic about where they place the "The". i.e. the system must be clever enough to find the entry for "The Terminator" no matter if someone searches for "The Terminator" or "Terminator" or "Terminator, The".
  • Check spelling. Searching for "The Big Labouski" should find "The Big Lebowski".

Any hints would be most welcome! Could I hack an existing open-source spell-checking system to work for me?

Many thanks,