I've the following line in a theme:

print l(check_output($comment->subject), array("id" => $comment->nid, "cid" => $comment->cid), "node", $comment->cid) ." ". t("by") . " " . format_name($comment) ."</small><p />";

With old 4.1 it works perfectly giving the following HTML code for a comment:

<a href="node.php?id=1013&cid=4414#4414" >otro analisis</a> por <a href="module.php?mod=user&op=view&id=273" title="Ver perfil de usuario.">alejo</a></small><p />

But now with 4.3 it doesn't work and gives the following output instead (the comment is different but this does not do the matter):

<a href="http://localhost/drupal/?q=Array&4347">Vamos a crear un thread</a> por <a href="http://localhost/drupal/?q=user/view/3" title="Ver perfil de usuario.">kwell</a></small><p />

What's the point?



ax’s picture

MaraudeR@www.librexpresion.org’s picture

It works fine now. :-)

Thx. again.