Ping.FM Block is a helper module that extends the module. It allows the most recent update posted to the site (by any user!) to display in a block on the site. The module receives the update through the custom URL defined by the module and stores it in a site-wide variable using variable_set(). This is simple, but therefore only useful if your site will only want to have one update displayed at a time (i.e. a personal blog site, or a corporate site where a handful of employees are allowed to set updates, for example).

All the configuration takes place through the module (see above). Once you enable this module, you will have a block for "Ping.FM Last Update." The block is themeable via theme_pingfmblock_content (that is, in your template.php you could create a function YOURTHEME_pingfmblock_content($data) {}). $data contains:

  • title
  • message
  • method
  • date