
I'm building very specific theme and need to apply custom HTML markup + CCS to almost all elements on page(title, user picture, display of taxonomy and so on...).

What I exactly need is to modify layout, which goes in $content variable.

So the question is what function is used for building $content and is it possible to override it ?


nevets’s picture

It depends on which template file you are talking about. In page.tpl.php $content represents the contents of the page associated with the current path. For example if the path is of the form node/{nid} (ex: node/32) $content is controlled by node.tpl.php

marcvangend’s picture

To be more precise: $content is printed in node.tpl.php, but the value is generated in the node_view() function (http://api.drupal.org/api/function/node_view/6) and passed on to node.tpl.php as $content by template_preprocess_node() (http://api.drupal.org/api/function/template_preprocess_node/6).

If you want to adjust the way the content of a node is printed (assuming that you use CCK), you can:
1) see if the 'display fields' tab at /admin/content/node-type/[nodetype]/display gives you enough control
2) construct your own output in node.tpl.php (or node-[nodetype].tpl.php) using the variables and the $node object
3) use the contemplate module, which alters the $content variable before it is sent to node.tpl.php