I have a photo gallery set up using using a taxonomy vocab with multiple terms in the vocab -- all on the same level, no nesting of terms. The weight of the taxonomy vocabs puts my gallery vocab a the top of the list. My view created with views 2 works fine. I click on the gallery link and see the list of taxonomy terms with photo count as expected. The photos are stored one photo per node.

When I click on one of the terms I get the gallery to display correctly in a grid as desired.

The problem occurs when I click on one of the photos in the gallery and it displays. Custom_pagers is generating the next/prev links OK and it pages through the photos OK, but my problem is as follows. Custom_pagers is ignoring the terms and paging through all the photos regardless of which taxonomy term is applied.

For example, I have a total of 26 photos in a test gallery, with term x1 showing 1 photo, term x2 showing 2 photos, and term 3 showing 23 photos. When I click on a term x1 photo, I expect the pager to let me page through ONLY term x1 photos. This is not the case: as I page I see photos from all 3 terms. I pages this way no matter which taxonomy term I select to page through.

I have set this up as shown in a book entitled "Using DRUPAL" and everything works as it should except this one issue. In the "view arguments" box I have enterd [term-id] and my gallery is picked in the "By node type" section as instructed. The same argument is set up in the gallery view set in the "Arguments" section.

Hope this all makes sense.

Modules used:

Drupal 6.10
Views 6.x-2.3
Token 6.x-1.11
Taxonomy-redirect 6.x-1.3
Custom_Pagers 6.x-1.x-dev dated 2009-Feb-27 - needed this module to let Custom_pagers see all my photos -- with previous versions it only saw about half of them.

I will provide more info if you need it

Thanks in advance. Mike.


eaton’s picture

I believe this is related to the token replacement bug that was just fixed in the dev version. Perhaps you can give it a shot with the latest code?

varkenshand’s picture

Same here with the lastest dev version (tried April 2 2009). 6.10 install with Views 2.
No idea what to do to get Custom Pagers to recognise taxonomy terms.
Even enabled the default view, but to no avail.
Another problem is that the documentation is insufficient on this issue.

Daniel Wentsch’s picture

Subscribing, as I am experiencing the same problem here with Drupal 6.10, Views 6.x-2.5 and Custom Pagers 6.x-1.10-beta1 .

quicksketch’s picture

This problem is caused by Custom Pagers only using the Default display. It will not respect any arguments that are added by other displays. So you need to setup the taxonomy term argument on the default view, then override any displays you have that don't want the argument to not use the default.

- Edit your view. On the left side, you'll see that you're in the "Default" display. Click + (plus) in the arguments section and add your taxonomy term argument.
- On the left side, click on the tab for your Page display (or whatever display the argument is setup on). Remove the taxonomy term argument from the Page display.
- Click on the "Arguments" section header, and click the button "Use default" button.

Now custom_pagers should work with the argument, since it's in the default display.

I think it'd be great if custom_pagers could either A) check other displays for arguments if there are none on the default display or B) let you choose which display you want to base your arguments on. Either way, we should also put a validate handler on the arguments textarea, so that it only lets you enter arguments if there is a matching argument within the view.

varkenshand’s picture

Looks like you figured it out, I only used filters to select the terms I wanted. Thanx for the explanation.

introfini’s picture


pipicom’s picture

Hello guys,

After a lot of search regarding this issue, what worked for me is this:

1.Configure your view (that you use @ "admin/build/custom_pagers") like the attached photo: http://www.filtermusic.net/images/custom_pagers.jpg . Note that I used only the "Default" display.

2. Edit your pager @ "admin/build/custom_pagers" and add the token "[term-id]" at the "View arguments" field.

3. That's it!

Hope this helps someone..

Train’s picture

It greatly does, thank you!

Nomare’s picture

Priority: Normal » Critical

Unfortunately it does not work. [term-id] in "View arguments" is ignored (as well in 6.x-1.0-beta2) and the next button switches to the next photo regardless of taxonomy category.

Even more. For some photos the previous button disappears and you can see the strange control, e.g.:

7 of 10 next ›

without "< previous" link!

BTW, I use i18n and the option "Localize terms. Terms are common for all languages, but their name and description may be localized."