
I have been hunting the site and I've got things almost the way I want them (I can't believe I used to use e107). Just a few questions:

1. if I access /drupal/profile, the little profile boxes are now themed perfectly, but I want to alter the page title, and add some text above the list of profile boxes. At the moment the title is "User List" and I can't figure out what to override or do to change the layout of that page...

2. What do I override or do, in order to theme the pages where a user modifies their profile details? The default is very bland, and I want to colourise the table, and add javascript to some of the controls there (ie, user_country, to refresh the provinces list). I also want to create some of the controls for profile_* fields myself, rather than use the default (ie, three checkboxes on one line).

3. The same question as above, regarding the page where a single profile is viewed, ie, /drupal/user/4. I can only figure out how to theme the user list, and not individual profiles in full view.

4. I've (carefully) taken a chainsaw to Drupal in areas where I am not sure. I want to outline my user search procedure here, and I hope you can tell me if there is a better or more standard way to do this:

I've added a search form in the page blocks. The action script sets a variable in $_SESSION called profile_search_filters, which contains the fields entered in the search bar. Then, in user_profile.tpl.php, the code which displays each profile box, theres a few statements examining this variable: if(!$_SESSION['profile_search_filter']){ drupal_goto(); } and some comparisons too, which allow each profile to display or not display depending on the search filters defined. This seems a bit easier for a total newbie, than doing database queries... it also fits in with the existing /drupal/profile list page. I'm not sure though, how this will scale.

Any comments or suggestions as to how I can better manage this? They would be appreciated..



ultimike’s picture


Did you ever figure out how to add javascript calls to profile fields? If so, can you post the solution here?
