When I try to load membership module using Drupal 4.3.0, I get this MySQL error and I can't figure out what it's trying to tell me. Is there a problem with my table structure?

user error: Unknown column 'u.homepage' in 'field list'
query: SELECT u.uid, u.name, r.name AS role, u.mail, u.homepage, u.data FROM users u LEFT JOIN role r ON u.rid = r.rid WHERE 'authenticated users, administrators' LIKE CONCAT('%', r.name, '%') AND status = 1 ORDER BY r.name, u.name in /home/lindgret/public_html/drupal/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 90.

Can anyone give me hints about how to troubleshoot this? Thanks.



ax’s picture

this should have been fixed yesterday

tlindgren’s picture

Thanks for the heads up.